Partners Break Ground At New Housing Site


The ground was broken Wednesday on a new inner-city housing development site in Hopkinsville. Once built, the duplex on West Edmunds Street will be the second such housing development in the Canton Pike neighborhood.

Hopkinsville Mayor Carter Hendricks says the project is the result of community partnerships.

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The project is the result of collaboration between the Hopkinsville Inner-City Community Housing Development Organization (HICCHDO), the Hopkinsville and Christian County Landbank Authority, Community and Development Services, and the City of Hopkinsville, according to HICCHDO Chair Janet Calhoun. Construction is to be performed by Gardner Construction, of Greenville, with financing from United Southern Bank and the Inner-City REZ program.

Calhoun gave a rundown of the duplex’s features and floor plans and says they anticipate its completion in August or September.

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Brandon Garnett, President of the Landbank Authority, founded in 2008, says such partnerships are key to executing the organization’s mission of returning properties to tax-generating status.

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Garnett adds they have taken over 50 properties into the landbank since its inception and saw the area around Jennie Stuart Medical Center early on as high priority.

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