Wally Bryan Details His Reasons For Mayoral Run


Former Hopkinsville Mayor Wally Bryan says he decided to run for Mayor again because of Money and People. Bryan discussed his decision to seek Hopkinsville’s top office during a Wednesday news conference by the lake at Jeffers Bend.

Bryan says he wants to return the focus of the Mayor’s office back to the people and responsible spending.

Bryan adds there are a number of differences between his philosophy and that of the current administration.

He notes he has been told by a number of supporters that Hopkinsville needs someone to bring it together.

When asked if he supports the WINS projects that are currently underway, he said some of the projects cause him some major concern.

When asked if he feels like he can win as an Independent, Bryan says he is already receiving quite a bit of support and thinks his chances are very good.

Bryan previously served as Hopkinsville Mayor from 1990 until 1998.  He will change Republican Mayor Carter Hendricks and Democratic Challenger Walter Shamble.

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