Trigg Woman Warning Others About Scam


Scams. We hear about them all the time and we always tell ourselves that will never happen to me. That’s what a Trigg County woman, who wants to remain anonymous, thought when she replied to a Craigslist ad about three days ago regarding a rental house.

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After she realized she had been scammed, she contacted law enforcement and gave them all the information.Trigg County Sheriff Ray Burnam says they have received several calls recently regarding scams, including this one on Craigslist that is offering a home for rent in the Cadiz area.

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He says he would not purchase anything on Craigslist because he has heard all the horror stories, although he adds there are some good transaction on there.

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And the Trigg County woman, who says she never thought in a million years it would happen to her, has some advice to pass along others.

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