Board Approves Prototype Kayak Ramp

A project to build a kayak ramp on Little River gained momentum Wednesday after the Cadiz-Trigg County Parks and Recreation Board voted unanimously to approve payment for the application fee and its construction. The ramp, to be built in West Cadiz Park, could end up being the first of four along the river should the U.S. Army Corps. of Engineers green light the rest.

The $2,000 fee and the application will cover additional ramp sites should the board wish to add them in the future. Little River Ramp Project, a nonprofit that has been working to get the ramp approved, has pledged $1,000 to help cover the cost.

Other locations are also being looked at, including one at the Trigg County Recreation Complex and another off Will Jackson Road. The door to add those sites to the same application will remain open for up to five years, according to board discussion.

The ramp will be built at a cost of $6,875 by Fowler Construction, who was one of four companies that submitted bids. Theirs was unanimously approved by the board.

In other business, the board also approved the addition of little league basketball to the Trigg County Young Athletic Association. Board members say they will be in contact with respective coaches about that in the coming days.

The board also approved a bid of $1,150 from Fleener’s Home Planning to replace turf in the batting cages at the county complex. Members discussed exploring the acquisition of windscreens at the complex’s baseball and softball fields.

Prior to adjourning, Chairman Brian Ahart requested boardmembers keep in mind an idea for potentially generating tourism dollars. Ahart suggests organizing a “meet the players” event in which local college athletes would be invited to participate in clinics with middle and high school students. He adds it would be open to area athletes as well.

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