Mom And Son Share Clarksville Tornado Experience

A Paris, Tennessee woman is thanking God that her son and daughter-in-law in Clarksville were not injured when a tornado hit their home off of Exit 8 on Interstate 24 Saturday night. Cindy Hays Bruton tells the News Edge her son, Ryan, had been at her house in Paris Saturday when tornado warnings started being issued in neighboring counties. She says Ryan left her home headed back to Clarksville and when he arrived home he called her and told her the tornado was heading right for his neighborhood. She says that’s when she told him “let’s start praying” and then heard Ryan say he could hear the tornado.

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Ryan tells us he and his wife had just hunkered down in the closet of their Belle Park duplex when the tornado hit.

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After he came out of the closet the mother and son were still connected on the phone.

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Ryan says he also noticed water coming into the front bedroom and the garage had been blown in. He then saw the tornado’s destruction around him.

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Ryan, a volunteer firefighter, started checking the homes that were destroyed to make sure his neighbors were okay.His mom, Cindy, says she wants people to know the goodness of God through all of this.

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