Fiscal Court Approves Final Funding For Projects

Christian County Fiscal Court is spending $3 million on the new Sportsplex and improvements to the Pennyroyal Area Museum. Tuesday, Magistrates approved Memorandums of Understanding for both projects. The Sportsplex Memorandum says the County will pay the City of Hopkinsville $2 million and the city will in turn pay the county $1 million for a to-be-determined project.

Museum Board member, Robert Martin addressed the Fiscal Court asking for its support of the renovation.

The County committed $1 million to the project and the Museum Board will be putting in an additional $500,000. The Board recently asked the City Council to extend its lease so it can apply for additional funding. That issue will be taken up at the March 6th City Council meeting.

In other business, Fiscal Court approved a Resolution supporting the Christian County Adult Drug Court’s application for a grant. The County would take on no financial liability; it would just be a pass-through agency for the funds. The request came from Circuit Judges John Atkins and Andrew Self.

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