Trent Haddock Filing For Christian Circuit Clerk

A Hopkinsville man says will try to become the third family member to the hold the same high-ranking county office. Trinity Jackson Haddock, better known as Trent, announced Friday morning he will file for Christian Circuit Court Clerk January 18.

Haddock announced in a news released Friday morning that he would be honored to serve the people of Christian County as the next Circuit Court Clerk. He says he was born and raised in Hopkinsville and would be honored to give back to the people of Christian County.

Trent says with his background in and around the Kentucky Court System through the Administrative Office of the Courts and the Kentucky Department of Corrections, he is more than prepared to assume this role. Haddock says he is a graduate of Murray State University, with a Criminal Justice and Organizational Communication Degree. He also cites numerous years of management experience serving as Assistant District Two Supervisor with Probation and Parole.

Haddock says he recently resigned his position with Probation and Parole to make him eligible to run for Christian County Circuit Clerk. He will have a campaign kickoff Thursday, January 18, at the Democratic Headquarters in Hopkinsville.

His father, Gary Haddock, is currently serving as Circuit Clerk. Prior to Gary being elected to the office 24 years ago, the office was held by Gary's father Jack Haddock.

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