Parents Outraged At CCHS Lack Of Phone Call

Parents are not happy with the Christian County High School Administration's response to student safety this week. About 30 parents and students gathered Thursday night to hear Principal Chris Bentzel explain the process and what exactly happened Monday and Tuesday.

However, his explanation did not lessen their concerns. Parents were allowed to speak freely, though none identified themselves before speaking. Many were very emotional.

They were not afraid to tell Bentzel the wrong decision was made Monday about contacting parents.

One father put it a different way.

Several of those in attendance criticized the judicial system for citing the boy to court.

Many said they had screenshots of his social media use this week and wanted to know why no one was monitoring him after his hearing.

A woman who has just recently moved to the district told everyone where her child was before guns in school was a reality and parents there were never notified, even when one student had a gun to another's head.

Another father asked about how students are being taught react in these situations and added it is not all on the school.

Bentzel agreed to look at the school's policy on notifying parents and admitted he made the wrong call Monday afternoon. Parents also suggested metal detectors, but that would be a decision the School Board would have to make.

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