Caldwell Hospital Restricting Visitors Due To Widespread Flu

Not only is the flu affecting some school districts and businesses, it is also affecting some medical facilities and nursing homes across Kentucky. Due to the widespread outbreak cases of flu, Caldwell Medical Center Director of Quality, Compliance and Risk, Beth Conger tells the News Edge they are asking those who are sick to not visit patients.

She says the hospital has temporarily implemented visitor restrictions.

Once you come into the hospital, Conger adds they are reminding visitors to take precautions.

Conger says once they see the flu activity slowing down, the hospital will raise the restrictions pretty quickly.

Trigg County Hospital officials tell us they have not implemented any restrictions at the Cadiz medical facility.

Jennie Stuart Medical Center Director of Marketing and Public Relations, Selina Staub says they have not implement any changes in protocols at this time.

According to the current Kentucky Department of Public Health’s Weekly Influenza Surveillance Report, which is for time period of December 10 through December 16, the influenza activity level was listed as widespread with 14 regions of the 17 regions with confirmed flu cases. An updated flu activity report should be released sometime this month.

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