Trigg County Hospital Accepts Bid For Medical Arts Expansion


Trigg County’s Hospital Board of Directors made another campus move Thursday night — exiting executive session and agreeing to a bid of $348,700 from Tyler Gilliland Construction, for the purposes of a new training/conference room at Medical Arts.

A second bid from Lanes Construction came in at $398,810.

President/CEO John Sumner noted that board member Craig Fowler, and others, played a key role in seeing this project come to fruition.

This project could begin before the end of 2024.

In other hospital news:

— Now two of the faces for Trigg County cardiology, Angela Acree and Breanna Schuzer said the new clinic will move from two days a week to four days a week by late July

— The front-facing parking lot is finished, but Sumner said it will receive another coat of sealing and striping next week for the final touch.

— Sumner said two surplussed ambulances were placed on, only to receive bids valued at less than $8,000 each. The belief is more can be garnered from those sales, and they were kept.

— Sumner also said conversations are continuing with the Trigg County Schools about using Perdue Field as a back-up landing pad for helicopters, while the parking project gets completed.

— The new HVAC system, set to replace the 1999 buildout, is on site, but Sumner said he wants to wait for cooler temperatures before doing the switch because it could take at least two days to lift and install.

— Sumner also brought forth some strong news from the Kentucky Hospital Association, as it continues its analysis of small critical care hospitals.

In essence, Trigg County has seen major healthcare growth since 2017, and especially in fiscal responsibility.

Of those seven better-ranked hospitals, Sumner said the only one in west Kentucky was Deaconess in Union County. And of the 13, or so, ranked criteria, Chief Finance Officer Don Michael said several of them were financial.

Sumner said it would take a nearly $1 million increase in revenue in order to surge into the top five.

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