Camp Cadiz Allows For Personal Reflection And Perseverance


For the last 14 years, Camp Cadiz has been a philanthropic, outreaching effort — where kids and adults can step away from their everyday lives, and help others have simpler, heartwarming moments in Trigg County.

Even when things may not be so simple at home — or during the ongoing of this servant leadership.

Andrea Hampton, one of many consistent organizers, noted that “when the Lord gets to blessing, the Devil starts messing” — and some unnamed students have been challenged this week, only to rise above and find comfort in the camaraderie and community service.

Hampton added that the evening devotionals and late-night downtime have also allowed groups to quiet their minds, and truly reflect.

She also noted that Jerry Schisler, in his 80’s, fell on his shoulder just a couple of weeks ago — leading to a yanked socket and a broken arm.

This past Monday morning, however, he was at a job site — with many youths once again requesting to be on his team.

In the King James Version of the Bible, Exodus 4:12 — likely written by Moses — reads: “Now therefore go, and I will be with thy mouth, and teach thee what thou shalt say.” It’s script from the Old Testament, celebrating the liberation of Israelites from Egyptian slavery circa 12th Century BCE.

It’s also this year’s camp theme, embodying the effort one must give even when the situation seems dire and difficult.

Just this week, volunteer Kathy Gibson nearly gave up on a meat order in Canton that had to be delivered to the four cooking teams. Trouble had set in during her travels, and not a native of the area, she didn’t have an immediate solution.

Ethan Traub, Trigg County Class of 2022, said that one of their projects was to lay out a roughly 6-foot-by-8-foot stack of gravel — only shovels and a wagon in hand.

Cell service again limited, he said the task would have consumed his crew for a day, or longer, had providence not prevailed.

The rewards, however, far outweigh any internal or external barriers a youth or adult camper might be experiencing.

Just ask youth veterans and Trigg County graduates Blake Carneyhan, Austin Stewart and Gauge Wade.

Camp Cadiz closes Thursday night. More details from the efforts will come later this week.

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