GOOD NEWS – Cherie Hyams Honored for Volunteer Work

The Ms. Plus Western Kentucky State Fair Pageant was begun 11 years ago to give women and young ladies who aren’t pageant regulars a chance to shine on the convention center’s main stage.

At Monday night’s pageant, Lori Beth Hester was crowned the winner in the 29 and under age category, while Anna Daniel was the winner in the over-30 group.

Also honored on Monday was one of the women responsible for making the annual pageant a reality — Cherie Hyams.

Heather Hayes, who was a winner two years ago and has helped organize the event each year, said it was a no-brainer to recognize Cherie for her hard work.

click to download audioCherie was blown away by the kind words given to her and the large crowd on hand Monday.

click to download audioMonday’s pageants produced some of the highest participation in its history, which wasn’t lost on Cherie.

click to download audioCherie was presented with a bouquet of flowers and the thanks of current and past pageant participants.

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