Hopkinsville Explores Medical Cannabis Options


Following a lengthy discussion, the City of Hopkinsville will look at next steps reguarding medical marijuana. Tuesday night, City Attorney Doug Willen told the City Council the state is planning to start issuing licenses in the fall and the City needs to be prepared.

click to download audioHe adds the Council has several options.

click to download audioHowever, Willen says if the County chooses to opt-out, the City can always opt back in via ordinance. Willen and Community Development Services Director Tom Britton say the Planning Committee is ready to move forward when asked.

click to download audioCouncilmen Chuck Crabtree and Don Marsh voiced some concerns.

click to download audioCity Administrative Officer Troy Body says the State has already created a Medical Marijuana Department and hired staff.

click to download audioCommittee of the Whole Chairman Steve Keel asked the meeting be put on one of their upcoming agendas. Then, City Council voted to pass the resolution asking Planning and Zoning to make recommendations.

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