City Council Considers New Zoning Classifications


Hopkinsville continues to review zoning in the city limits leading to the creation of two new zoning designations. Community Development Services Director Tom Britton says the Planning Commission has been diligently working over the last months.

click to download audioTuesday night, he informed the City Council that the eastern area of Hopkinsville is completely different and largely agricultural.

click to download audioBritton says they are suggesting two new designations.

click to download audioCity Council voted to have an ordinance drafted to reflect the recommendations. Council also approved the second reading of the zoning ordinance for Shadowood Subdivision.

Meanwhile, Chief Financial Officer Melissa Clayton informed the Council that they continue to see growth in Payroll across the city.

click to download audioShe adds property and insurance tax collections are up as well.

click to download audioClayton says, even with last month’s budget amendment, the City will still see a nearly $1 million surplus.

In other business, Heather Shoemake and Don Pemberton were appointed to the Hopkinsville-Christian County Convention and Visitor’s Bureau. Gay Wilson and Sharon Boyd were appointed to the Housing Authority of Hopkinsville Board of Commissioners. Brittanie Bogard, Joyce Brooks, Nikki Chambers, and Reverend Stephen Spicer were reappointed to the Human Rights Commission. Christy Madyun shall be reappointed to the Board of Ethics as an alternate member.

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