Trail Blazers, Genesis Express Hold Juneteenth Breakfast In Cadiz


Sometimes all it takes to break down barriers is a sausage and pancake breakfast.

Leadership from The Trail Blazers and Genesis Express did just so Saturday morning in Cadiz, hosting more than 30 community members for a humble Juneteenth Celebration at the freshly-completed Intergenerational Center on Jefferson Street.

A day honoring the emancipation of African-Americans in the United States, Genesis Express President George Radford said he could take a moment to be “less reserved” than he had been in the past — calling on Christians and locals to stay less focused on personal lives, and more in tune with what must be done for children and education.

The war, he said, is over.

And yet, he added, division remains.

Reflecting a bit on west Kentucky history post the American Civil War, Radford also noted that it took some time before word from Washington D.C. and President Abraham Lincoln made its way to Trigg County — language of the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution finding ears much later than it did on the East Coast.

As such, he asked for citizens to remain keyed on civics — and knowledgeable on current events.

He pleaded for people to turn away from violence.

And he once again pledged his love for Trigg County.

As for the Intergenerational property and its surroundings, Radford noted the core building is nearly complete — missing just a few final touches like flag poles at the entrance, and eventually a fully-paved parking lot.

The property fence and picnic tables still need to be stained, and a half-mile walking trail also remains unfinished. Construction has begun on a second building — a utility shelter that will hold the big truck, concession wagons and new barbecue pits.

A community gymnasium, Radford said, is also part of a later construction phase. Meetings about the Summer Reading Program are about to begin, while the Cal Ripken Jr. STEM Center is “off to a great start.”

Those with general questions or seeking basic needs — like a hot shower, warm meal or laundry — can contact (270) 350-4975 or visit online:


“Lift Every Voice”

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