Howell Easily Wins First District State Senate Primary


Senator Jason Howell easily won a second term Tuesday as First District State Senator by defeating former 4th District State Representative Lynn Bechler.

Howell garnered 70 percent of the vote compared to 30 percent for Bechler. Senator Howell won Trigg County by a margin of 688 to 290. He claimed his home county of Calloway 1,294 to 442. Howell also won Graves County with 74 percent of the vote, Lyon County with 66 percent of the vote, Hickman County with 65 percent of the vote, and Fulton County with 78 percent of the vote. Bechler carried his home county of Crittenden by a vote of 428 to 393.

Senator Howell says two areas will be among his priorities as he heads into a second term as First District State Senator.

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Senator Howell chairs the Senate Agriculture Committee.

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