Humphries Thanks Cadiz Rotary Club For Senior Citizens Partnership


Since 1966, the Cadiz Rotary Club has looked to serve and lift the youth and senior citizens of Trigg County.

Judge-Executive Stan Humphries took time during Tuesday’s meeting to applaud those efforts, but also to speak from the heart about a burgeoning partnership between county officials and local Rotarians — in regard to the upcoming bid process, and eventual purchase, of a bedazzled bus for the Trigg County Senior Citizens Center.

Years ago, he noted the old location of the kitchen — there on Jefferson Street — simply outgrew its walls, creating a massive need for something new, something fresh and something much larger. This, he said, led to fiscal court’s approval of the Joy Drive location and construction.

Fast forward more than 15 years later, and he affirmed the business of community elders is as big as it’s ever been — creating a massive need for transportation assistance and program development.

Enter this plan.

And, my, Humphries said, how times have changed.

Humphries also said there may be an opportunity for the Cadiz Rotary Club to partner with the county once again in the pending development of military memorial monuments and gardens on either side of Vinson Cemetery.

There on Hwy. 68, west of Cadiz, will be not only the remembrance of the March 29, 2023, two Black Hawk helicopter crash killing nine Fort Campbell soldiers, but also a historic reverence of Trigg County’s military history.

What this eventually looks like, Humphries said, will take advisement and the development of a board.

Trigg County Fiscal Court next convenes May 6.

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