All-way Stop At Canton Pike Intersection Not Permanent Solution


The change to an all-way stop at the Canton Pike intersection with Pyle and Major Lanes in Hopkinsville is just the beginning of changes to come.

The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet announced last week that they will install overhead lights and stop signs at the intersection of Kentucky 272 and Pyle and Major Lanes in Hopkinsville as they convert the intersection to an All-Way stop.

Transportation officials said the all-way stop will begin on Tuesday, April 23rd. That intersection is located in a curve along 272 where Pyle Lane intersects from the south side and Major Lane connects with 272 from the north.

Represenative Dossett says a more permanent solution is in the works for the intersection.

click to download audioCurrently, traffic on 272 has a yellow caution light while Pyle Lane and Major Lane drivers encounter a stop sign. With the update, drivers in all directions will be required to stop.

There will also be temporary message boards and signs placed along KY 272 to make drivers aware of the change.

All work is expected to be completed in one day. Dossett did not says how soon a permanent plan will be in place for the intersection.

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