SBC Wants Expanded Incentives

After months of research and talking to small business owners, the Hopkinsville Small Business Commission is ready to make its first ask of the City Council. Tuesday evening, Chair Sarah Whitaker asked members to review the findings of the Walker Collabrative, as they have formally asked to expand them to all small businesses in the city.

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As part of their research into what is availabale to small business owners, Murray State University Center for Economic and Entrepreneurial Development Director, Chris Wooldridge told the Commission it can be hard to find information when starting a business.

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He adds to grow, they believe an Innovation space is needed as a place to foster and grow ideas.

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The Commission voted to take two items from the plan and start with them as well as a $500,000 plus ask from City Council. The money would fund business incentives throughout the city, not just in the Downtown Development District.

The Commission would also like to see the City hire a Small Business Development Liaison, who could facilitate bringing all the information under one roof, ultimately creating a Innovation Hub.

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