Cadiz Lions Raising Money For Cameras to Detect Eye Problems

The Cadiz Lions Club is asking for the community’s help in its latest endeavor to raise money to purchase new cameras to better detect eye problems in children and senior citizens.

Club member Marsha Pater said the equipment they currently use is outdated.

click to download audioPater adds the new cameras cost around $8,000 each, but a grant from the Lions Club International Foundation could pay half of the cost of each one.

click to download audioThe Cadiz Rotary Club paid for the first camera, with a private $1,000 donation given to start the fundraising process for the second. Pater said that means they lack around $3,000.

click to download audioDonations can be given to any Cadiz Lions Club member or dropped off during their meetings on the second and fourth Tuesday night each month at 6:00. The meetings are held at VFW Post 7890 at 37 Lafayette Street in Cadiz.

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