Two Charged With Drug Possession And Prostitution


A Michigan man and woman were charged with possession of drugs and prostitution after a report of a disturbance at a Hopkinsville gas station Thursday morning.

Hopkinsville Police say 53-year-old Craig Kirksey and 27-year-old Rachel Kubsch were arguing over drugs and money she had gotten from prostituting at a gas station on Fort Campbell Boulevard.

After a search of the truck, a scale with meth residue on it was located under a car seat the officers had previously seen her child sitting in. Police say they were also found to have heroin, marijuana, and drug paraphernalia in the vehicle.

Kirksey was arrested and charged with second-degree wanton endangerment, giving officers false identifying information, promoting prostitution, and possession of marijuana.

Kubsch was also arrested and charged with second-degree wanton endangerment, prostitution, and possession of heroin.

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