Western Kentucky’s Fall Color Show

Caldwell County’s Ag Agent Shane Bogle says mid-October is normally known for the start of Western Kentucky’s fall “color show”.

Although we unfortunately have to wait to see those colors and can enjoy them for only a short time each year, Bogle says they have actually been there all along.

click to download audioBogle says due to Kentucky’s unique makeup, residents and visitors enjoy an array of colors amongst a variety of tree species.

click to download audioKnowing a tree’s color potential can give homeowners and businesses a leg up on landscaping, and with a little planning, green thumbs can use the details to create a rotational show of color, as each species transitions to show their hidden potential. Black Gum and Sumac are two that generally start the show.

click to download audioAlthough we dread shorter days and miss the extra hours of sunlight we enjoy during the summer, it’s those shorter days that bring on the beautiful color.

click to download audioFor more information on Kentucky’s fall color and other forestry topics, contact your local Extension Office. In Caldwell County, call 270-365-2787

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