November Conference Set In Long-Running Streeval Case

With a trial set for late January 2024, a transport order and a settling conference has been placed in the case of Montie Streeval.

He’s a Trigg County man charged with the 2020 murder and body disposal of 25-year-old Powderly native Cameron Phillips. His remains were discovered in a local cemetery.

During Wednesday’s morning session for the Trigg County Circuit Court, defense attorney Olivia Adams and Assistant Commonwealth’s Attorney Jill Giordano agreed that a November 30 date between the parties could be beneficial — and could, in fact, lead to an agreement before a jury is summoned.

Judge Jamus Redd agreed.

Streeval’s trial has been in continuance since August 10, when Adams sought the court for more time.

Adams is also Streeval’s sixth defense attorney to enter into the case, which is approaching three years old.

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