Trigg Fourth Graders Learn Safety At Mize Farm

The fourth grade class from Trigg County Intermediate School spent September 13th on the Mize Farm to learn about a variety of farm safety topics.

Among those on hand for Farm Safety Day was Trigg County Judge-Executive Stan Humphries who rents the farm for the family cattle operation. Humphries said it is important for the fourth graders to have a chance to visit the farm.

click to download audioTrigg County Farm Bureau President John David Fourqurean says bringing students to the farm exposes them to careers in agriculture.

click to download audioTrigg County 4-H Agent Shelly Crawford says students had a chance to see a variety of farm safety demonstrations and learn about several safety topics.

click to download audioThe fourth graders were treated to beef hot dogs provided by the Trigg County Cattleman’s Association and cooked by Trigg County Farm Bureau Agent Cy Dossett. Several volunteers spend their day teaching farm safety each year.

Photos from Farm Safety Day by Cindy Allen-Lax


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