July Jobless Rate Rises In Christian, Holds Steady In Trigg


July unemployment rates rose in four Pennyrile counties, dropped in three, and remained the same in two when compared to June.

According to numbers released by the Kentucky Center for Statistics, the jobless rate in the nine-county region was 5.2% in July, down a tenth from June but two-tenths more than July of last year.

Trigg County’s July unemployment rate was five percent, equal to both June of this year and July of last year. Trigg County’s civilian labor force is 5,933 with 295 people actively seeking work. Trigg’s labor force has dropped by over 150 people in the past year.

Christian County’s July jobless rate ticked up two-tenths of a percent from 5.4% in June to 5.6% in July. It was 5.5% a year ago. Christian County’s civilian labor force is 24,471 with over 1,300 people actively seeking work. Christian County showed nearly 400 fewer people in its labor force compared to July of last year.

The jobless rate in the nine-county Pennyrile Region was 5.2% in July with the statewide rate coming in at 4.6%

Statewide, jobless rates rose in 98 counties, fell in 17, and remained the same in five. The lowest jobless rates in the state were all ‘Golden Triangle’ counties with the exception of Cumberland County.

The ten highest unemployment rates in the state in July were in eastern Kentucky.

Unemployment statistics are based on estimates and are compiled to measure trends rather than to actually count the number of people working.

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