How To Prepare Your Pets For Fireworks

Many pets experience nerves during the 4th of July celebrations because of the loud noises that accompany fireworks.

Caldwell County Animal Shelter Director Jamie Whalen said one of the best things to do for your pet is to take them to the vet. There, they will be able to administer a mild sedative.

click to download audioWhalen only recommends putting pets in a kennel if they will be calm there – otherwise, they may accidentally hurt themselves.

Whalen also added it could be beneficial to use a Thundershirt or similar item, such as a t-shirt or hoodie that smells like you if a pet is prone to fearfulness.

Other ways to prepare your pets for fireworks include:

  • Make sure all doors and windows are securely closed.
  • Make kennel or other favorite hiding spots readily available.
  • Keep pets in separate, quiet, low-activity space.
  • Make sure your property is free from debris before letting the pet back outside.

For more information about how to keep your pets calm during the 4th of July celebrations, contact your local vet.

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