Stephen Trigg SAR Celebrates Independence Day With Reading Of Country’s Founding Document

The Col. Stephen Trigg Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution gathered community members at West Cadiz Park Saturday morning for its eighth annual reading of the Declaration of Independence.

The crowd on hand was invited to participate by booing, hissing, and cheering at the appropriate moments while chapter member Geoff Baggett read the document ratified on July 4, 1776, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and presented across the thirteen colonies.

Steve Mallory

Chapter President Steve Mallory thanked the community for supporting the re-enactment for the last eight years.

Geoff Baggett and Steve Mallory

Before the reading of the Declaration of Independence, Mallory presented Baggett with two awards. The first was a certificate of appreciation.

Baggett was also presented a Youth Education Medal from the national Sons of the American Revolution organization.


Saturday’s service included audience participation in singing “My Country ‘Tis of Thee.” Those in attendance were also invited to sign a copy of the Declaration of Independence.

The entire service can be heard below:

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