1920s Era Theme Helps Alhambra Celebrate 95th Birthday


A large crowd of supporters of the Alhambra Theater and Pennyroyal Arts Council gathered Saturday night to help the theater celebrate it’s 95th birthday.

The Alhambra birthday gala was 1920s themed, complete with a performance by the Todd Hill Orchestra.

Margaret Prim began the presentation by discussing some of the important dates in the theater’s history, such as its beginnings in the 20s and the work to revitalize it in the 1970s.

Prim then introduced the Pennyroyal Arts council board members and unveiled the Alhambra’s 2023-24 lineup. The lineup includes Ones, a Beatles tribute band with great attention to details about the band, Jen Kouber, a comedian, and Steep Canyon Rangers, a bluegrass band, among many others.

The presentation concluded with the singing of Happy Birthday to the Alhambra Theater, which the audience participated in. The Todd Hill Orchestra concluded the celebration with another performance.

Story and photos by Trey Stone

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