Cadiz Baptist Church Announces Chapel Celebration, Razing Likely

Officials with Cadiz Baptist Church announced Saturday that a “Chapel Fellowship Celebration” will be held from 12-2 PM Sunday, June 4, at the Cadiz Baptist Annex.

The reason, according to a Facebook notice, is because of “age and deterioration” in the chapel’s structure. And as such, this 120-year-old facade will “have to be torn down, sometime coming up.”

Following the usual morning worship service, there will be a two-hour window for fellowship, a meal, testimony and prayer before more permanent plans are made for the building.

The public invitation goes out for “anyone who has great memories of [the] building,” and that it’s time for a “proper goodbye.”

According to the announcement, this decision “did not come lightly,” with prayer and thought leading “to this point.” The post further asserts that the church and its leadership maintain a notion that it would be “better stewardship” of God’s money to have a building benefitting a whole community — “and not just a showpiece to be looked at.”

It’s further noted that “everyone will not agree, and some will have strong emotions.”

This is a developing story.

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