2023 Governor’s Safety And Health Award Winners Announced

Three Hopkinsville companies were among 38 statewide to earn the 2023 Governor’s Safety and Health Award.

Lt. Governor Jacqueline Coleman announced the winners Thursday morning, with Governor Andy Beshear sharing the news on his Team Kentucky update.

AMFINE Chemical Corporation and Riken Elastomers both collected over 1 million hours of work without a lost time injury or illness in 2022. While the Hopkinsville Water Environment Authority had over 464,000 hours logged.

Carhartt Inc. – Madisonville Cutting also logged over 1.1 million hours, while the Madisonville West Side Wastewater Treatment Plant had over 619,000 hours.

Governor Beshear commended all 38 companies in Kentucky that achieved this honor.

During Fiscal Year 2022, Governor Beshear said the Division of Occupational Safety and Health Compliance conducted 997 inspections to ensure safety in Kentucky workplaces.

Beshear added between Fiscal Years 2021 and 2022 that the state’s workplace fatality rate declined nearly thirty percent.

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