Trigg County Hospital Board Looking To Upgrade Hospital Beds, Replace Another Ambulance

Trigg County Hospital’s Board of Directors convened in special session Thursday afternoon, and unanimously approved for leadership to seek the replacement of 18 hospital beds at a cost of no more than $253,000.

Chief Financial Officer Don Michael said they had solicited bids for beds because several in the hospital are “15 years or older,” and thus need to be changed.

Two of the nation’s leaders in hospital care, Stryker and Hill Rom, returned quotes, with Stryker coming in at just over $240,000, and Hill Rom coming in just over $253,000.

Both bids came with the promise of a six-year service agreement, and there remains a high potential for a surplus auction to sell the beds on the marketplace.

Meanwhile, Michael opened a pair of requested bids for a new ambulance — which came at the approval from the March board meeting following, and under the guidance of the Ambulance Committee and CEO John Sumner’s recommendation because of supply chain issues and high demand.

The prudence may have paid dividends. A new unit from Penn Care currently costs $173,500 and can’t be made available until Summer 2024, and a demo unit will run $156,855. American Response Vehicles noted a new unit would cost north of $227,000, and wouldn’t be shipped any less than 720 to 900 days from now.

A decision on those bids was tabled for May discussion.

Sumner relayed through his leadership that he recently received a certificate of final completion from Architect Chris Spurr in regard to the private rooms. An inspection report has also been completed by Alisha Menser, and both documents have been sent to Harold Snyder of OYG. Eventually, a certificate of occupancy will arrive, and in the meantime, furniture and other provisions are being moved into the wing.

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