McCoy Hoping To Have The Mixer Back Ready To Open By Thanksgiving


The owner of the former Young Hardware building on Sixth Street in Hopkinsville is hoping to have repairs made in time for Graham and Heather Dawson to reopen The Mixer restaurant for Thanksgiving.

Hal McCoy owns the historic building that was constructed in the early 1900s. He says contract crews began working to clean up brick and other debris resulting from damage Friday night caused by what the National Weather Service determined were straight-line winds.

click to download audioMcCoy says the first priority is protecting the lower floor from the weather and further damage.

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He adds the plan is to use the existing brick to repair the building and make it look similar to the original design.

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McCoy notes it is a priority to get The Mixer back open.

click to download audioHe says if all goes as planned the restaurant could reopen before Thanksgiving.

click to download audioLt. Governor Jaqueline Coleman visited with McCoy and Graham and Heather Dawson during her stop in Hopkinsville Sunday to view storm damage.

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