Challenge House Seeking Ambassador For No. 5 Property

At Wednesday’s celebration and announcement for new Challenge House No. 1 Ambassador Brittanie Bogard, Executive Director Michelle Wilson mentioned there is still a need for such a role at Challenge House No. 5.

It’s located at 2130 Crockett Street in Hopkinsville. And though Bogard is currently assisting with efforts there, Wilson added a tenant and/or tenants with a qualified mind for servant leadership and family advocacy continue to be sought.

Those interested probably need to be able to make at least a two-year commitment, with certain fiscal amenities provided in order to assist with home maintenance and associated property costs.

A 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization and the brainchild of former Hopkinsville mayor Wally Bryan, Wilson noted the Christian and faith-based mission is a true “hand up” effort, in which individuals move into these areas of inner-city Hopkinsville and provide any resources they possibly can.

Bryan, in fact, lived in Challenge House No. 1 — as the program grew under his wings.

Wilson made it clear that each house and each neighborhood has different needs to address, which might require different personalities or different programming. There might be a need for after-school tutoring, adult education, job training, cooking tutorials, Alcoholics Anonymous classes, prayer groups, bible studies, or Sunday School.

Whatever the neighbors need, the ambassadors can provide as they see fit.

As a non-profit, Wilson added their funding comes from private and public donations, as well as considerable support from a number of local churches — looking to lift those who need it most.

No money comes from local, regional, state or federal efforts, but clearly, the best donation is time and commitment to these neighborhoods, while holding a good number of qualifications.

It’s not a requirement to maintain employment, but Wilson said it’s encouraged to hold at least some sort of job or steady income-based activity. Ambassadors can also choose to relocate from elsewhere, and don’t specifically have to be from Hopkinsville or Christian County — though familiarity helps.

Wilson said one of the immediate goals of the organization is to find a location for a seventh house, preferably on the under-served east side of town.

For more information, one can visit online at, or on Facebook.

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