Planning Commission Sending Dollar General Zone Change To Cadiz Council


The Cadiz-Trigg County Planning Commission is forwarding the recommendation to rezone a tract of land along Princeton Road to the Cadiz City Council for formal action.

Commissioner Todd Wallace told fellow commissioners during Tuesday’s meeting the details of the rezoning request have been forwarded to Cadiz City Clerk Connie Allen for consideration by the council during the March meeting.

click to download audioIf the rezoning recommendation is approved by Cadiz City Council, the change will allow a Dollar General Store to be located in North Cadiz near the intersection of Cerulean Road along Highway 139-the Princeton Road.

Wallace also told the Commission the county will not sign off on a proposed subdivision following a recent meeting at the property with Matthew Clark and other county officials because the property is landlocked.

click to download audioThe planning commission approved the consolidation of two properties near Rockcastle owned by David Akins. The consolidation will allow for the future development of the property.

And commissioners approved the division of property near Old Dover Road owned by the Bush family. The property will continue to be owned by the family but will be divided into five sections.

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