Youngsters Share Own Words With Trigg School Board

The acrostic poem is one where its author chooses a word, and with each letter spells out another word or phrase to create a theme or message that resonates with a reader.

During Thursday night’s Trigg County Board of Education meeting, a quintet of the district’s brightest elementary students shared such works with the panel — as part of their development in the Gifted & Talented program under Angelica Garnett.

Identifying advanced students, as well as keeping them engaged, gets easier as they age — because more and more complex concepts become available for the classroom.

Principal Lindsey Kinslow made it clear; it’s much more difficult to find activities that test young ones, yet don’t frustrate their skills.

The five who shared their poems included Addy Steely, Bronson Shemwell, Hensley Stinnett, Isley Coleman and RJ Perez.

Garnett said the curriculum has been mixed throughout the first semester.

These students will likely visit the board again before the end of the 2023 spring semester.

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