Trigg High School Students Prepare For Martin Luther King Jr. Day


Trigg County High School students Bianca Cunningham and Dasha Nsubuga Barnes are preparing for the annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Day celebration in Cadiz.

They will provide the pre-speech and main speech together at the event.

Cunningham said her goal is to educate other students on Martin Luther King, Jr.

click to download audioTo her generation, she said MLK, Jr. is a person of compassion and bravery.

click to download audioBarnes said it is amazing to him how courageous MLK, Jr. was.

click to download audioBarnes moved to Trigg Co. 8 years ago from Kampala, Uganda, and said he loves living in Cadiz.

click to download audioAfter high school, Cunningham hopes to become a child psychologist and advocate for mental health. Barnes has plans for a career in business.

click to download audioThe Martin Luther King, Jr. march will begin at 10 a.m. at the Renaissance Stage in Cadiz before heading to West Cadiz Park.

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