Two Men Charged With Drug Possession After Traffic Stop

Samuel Balderas

A traffic stop for a license plate not illuminated led to drug arrests on North Drive in Hopkinsville Thursday morning.

Hopkinsville Police say they stopped 64-year-old Samuel Balderas for his license plate not being illuminated and not wearing a seatbelt. During the stop, Balderas reportedly grabbed his wallet and a bag of meth fell on his lap.

Police say a scale and two pipes with meth residue were found in the vehicle, Balderas’s passenger 39-year-old Paul Thurston allegedly admitted to having meth in his pocket during the traffic stop.

They were both arrested and charged with possession of meth. Balderas was also charged with rear license plate not illuminated, failure to wear a seatbelt, operating on a suspended or revoked license, and failure to produce an insurance card.

Paul Thurston

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