Cadiz City Council Approves Payroll And Insurance Tax Increases


Employees who work in the Cadiz city limits and those who pay insurance premiums will pay additional taxes following a vote by the Cadiz City Council during its first meeting of 2023 Tuesday. Without providing any opportunity for public comment prior to the votes, council members voted unanimously to increase the city payroll tax from 1.5 to 1.9 cents and the city insurance premium tax from 6 to 8 percent. Cadiz Mayor Todd King justified the tax increases due to needed infrastructure improvements in Cadiz.

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City Council member Susie Hendricks, who made the motion to pass both the tax increases, said it was not what the council wanted to do but felt it was a move they had to make.

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Near the end of the meeting, Cadiz business owner John Oliver was allowed to address the council following a question about no time for public comments. Oliver said he was not in favor of a tax increase, but did understand the need for infrastructure improvements. Oliver also challenged the city to work harder to make sure all companies that perform work in the Cadiz city limits pay their fair share of payroll tax.

click to download audioPrior to the votes to increase taxes, council members voted to begin planning for the replacement of sewer lines along the Cadiz Walking Trail behind the school on Lafayette Street. Prior to the vote, Public Works Director Craig Oakley explained the problem the city is facing with the aging sewer line.

click to download audioOakley estimated the project will cost more than $700,000.

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Following approval by the Council, Oakley said the city will begin with engineering for the project. He said a 15-inch water main could double the sewer capacity which will provide for the future needs of the City and Trigg County Industrial Parks.

In other business, the Council approved the appointment of Connie Allen as city clerk and treasurer. They also approved Allen’s appointment to the Pennyrile Area Development District Board of Directors and approved the appointment of Mechelle Thomas to the City-County Code Enforcement Board.

And council heard reports from Cadiz Police Chief Duncan Wiggins and Main Street Director Janelle Nichols.

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