WKY Weather Checked All Of The Boxes In 2022


2022 began with rain and ended with rain but it was still below normal thanks to dry conditions late into the summer into early fall.

The total rainfall of 46.13 was about five-and-a-half inches below the normal of 51.76 inches. There were 33 days of half-inch or more rainfall but only 13 happened after June 1. There were 21 days where an inch or more of rain fell, but only six of those happened after June 1.

October 2021 and December 2021 were both ranked among the ten warmest months on record with December 2021 being the warmest on record. Temperatures in 2022 were closer to normal. July’s average temperature of 81.8 degrees tied for the seventh-warmest on record and was the only month to appear in the top 10 for warmest or coldest.

There were 32 days when the high temperature was above 90 degrees compared to 14 in 2021. 84 times, the low temperature was below 32 degrees compared to 75 days in 2021.

The highest temperature recorded in 2021 was 98 degrees on July 22. The coldest temperature was -6 on December 23.

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