Trigg Emergency Manager Warning Community To Prepare For Cold Weather


With bitter cold wind chills and snow in the forecast for Thursday and Thursday night Trigg County Emergency Management Director David Bryant is warning community members to be prepared. Bryant says he is hoping people have already begun preparing for the hazardous winter weather the region is expecting.

click to download audioBryant says leaving water running on faucets is important to prevent freezing.

click to download audioHe adds it is important to prepare to travel and check on neighbors and loved ones.

click to download audioBryant adds be on the lookout for hazardous road conditions.

click to download audioHe says a warming shelter will be open at The Way Christian Youth Center for anyone who needs a break from the cold.

click to download audioThe Way Christian Youth Center is located on Lafayette Street behind Trigg County Schools.

Calvary Baptist Church will also have its fellowship hall available to anyone who needs a place to warm up during this extreme cold weather. For information, please call (270) 350-6465.

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