I know a lot of you are sitting on edge to see what our weather this coming week will look like. It is getting progressively colder and you can sense that something is coming. The details are still not clear so I will tell you what appears to be the most likely outcome. First, I can say for sure that Arctic air will arrive sometime Thursday with a strong cold front. Rain or a rain/snow mix may start as the front approaches. Now there is an outside chance we may see a period of sleet and/or freezing rain which will make travel dicey. But that is a small chance as it stands right now.

Snow is expected to develop on Thursday as that arctic barrels into the region. Measurable snow now appears a real possibility. But as I said the details of how much and the exact placement of the heaviest snow bands is still not in concrete. From what I am seeing a 2 to 4 inch snowfall is not out of the question. The winds will howl and be well below zero. That is dangerously cold so get prepared NOW. If we end up with snow on the ground, our low temperatures will drop below zero. Highs for Friday will only reach the mid-teens with gusty winds as high as 25 mph. Right now, Christmas Eve is looking partly sunny with highs in the low 20’s. Obviously any snow we get will still be on the ground. Just so you know another storm may arrive the week after Christmas with more snow potential. I will have more details as soon as we have a better handle on how this all plays out.

One last thing…when I talked about this in my Early Winter Outlook on Sept 18th, there were some scoffers out there. Here is what I wrote…” our chances for a white Christmas season seems to be much better than in years past. Another indication of the extreme winter weather is the frequent blocking that is expected to set up over Greenland. That will bend the jet stream southward into our region and usually results in below normal temperatures across the Eastern US. So, in a nutshell, look for a much colder second half of fall and a very cold and snowy winter based on what I have mentioned as the reasons.” That is exactly what is taking place now. A lucky guess you may say…well maybe. But at least I hit this one right. Please get prepared and have a blessed night my friends.

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