United Way Of The Pennyrile Campaign Crests $300K

The 2022-23 United Way of the Pennyrile “Planting Seeds of Hope” Campaign remains well on track to meet its pace-setting and final goals.

During Tuesday’s co-curricular meeting between Hopkinsville Rotary and Kiwanis, campaign co-chairs Lucas Stagner and Whitney Stewart revealed that, at present time, contributions already amount to more than $311,000.

That’s 43% of the campaign goal, a 14% increase from monies raised prior to the kickoff breakfast, and more than half of the fundraising calendar remaining.

Assisting nearly 20 partner agencies in Christian, Trigg, Todd and Caldwell counties, several campaigns and singular donations have yet to finish.

In the Commercial Division, more than $102,000 has been raised — including more than $56,000 alone coming from H&R Agri-Power.

As of now, the Industrial Division sits at $38,600. The Professional Division is just shy of $26,000, which is 25% of their goal. In the Residential Division, group leader and last year’s co-chair Dan Kemp said 26 of 57 donors have been Latham Leadership Givers — donating at least $500 to the cause — and they’ve raised close to $38,000.

The Education Division has campaigns ongoing at all learning centers, with more than $3,400 already allotted, while the Government Division sits north of the $103,000.

A “pass the flower pot” raised another $1,100 Tuesday afternoon.

But the real fun came when Kim and Mark Quesenberry, owner operators of Hello Buttercup Flowers, emceed a flower arrangement contest between Dustin Thompson, Will Owen and Jincy Hayes.

Representing the Rotary Club of Hopkinsville, Hayes and her flower arrangement took top honors with a “Golden Glove Award,” while bringing $400 through auctioneer Frank Giles.

Representing the United Way of the Pennyrile, Owen and his flower arrangement finished in second, and went for $65.

Representing the Kiwanis Club of Hopkinsville, Thompson’s floral arrangement finished third and went for $60.

All proceeds from Tuesday’s co-luncheon went directly into the United Way campaign.

Also in the celebration, Chamber of Commerce’s Chandler Ladd pointed out a special birthday in the crowd, as William Turner turned 82 Tuesday.

Those wishing to create annual contributions, or give a singular donation, can contact United Way President/CEO Betsy Bond at (270) 886-8171, or visit the United Way office on South Main Street in Hopkinsville.
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