Trigg Students Hold ‘See You At The Pole’

Always a student-led worship, Trigg County High School and its Fellowship of Christian Athletes organization held its “See You At The Pole” service early Wednesday morning — bringing praise and prayer over the district and its leadership.

Students rallied around a thread of scripture from 1 Corinthians 16:13, Psalms 107, Romans 10:13 and Ephesians 6:12 — focusing on “keeping a light” while embracing “the armor of God.”

McKenna Fisher, a sophomore, helped lead a synchronized band through three songs: “I Raise A Hallelujah,” “Let Me Tell Ya About My Jesus” and “How He Loves Us.”

Rhett Plymale, vice president of Trigg’s FCA, was one of many to deliver a short, but poignant, prayer for the large crowd.

The group then closed with prayer circles for the different parts of the school district.

“See You At The Pole” is a popular annual event in high schools nationwide, and it centers around four concepts: planning, preparing, publicizing and prayer.

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