Gateway Chamber Orchestra Bringing Unique Style For Grace And Mercy And CASA

The Gateway Chamber Orchestra will present a unique blend of music Saturday night during a special concert Saturday night at First Baptist Church in Hopkinsville.

Director Dr. Greg Wolynec, who is the Director of Bands and Music at Austin Peay State University, says the orchestra dates back to 2008 when a group of instructors organized to do what they enjoy, play music.

click to download audioWolynec says the orchestra will bring several musicians to Hopkinsville for the concert.

click to download audioHe says one of the musical selections is by a well-known composer.

click to download audioWolynec says the Gateway Chamber Orchestra will begin the concert with a unique selection.

click to download audioThe concert is a fundraiser for the Grace and Mercy Transitional Home for Women and the Court Appointed Special Advocates for Children organization better known as CASA. There will be no admission, but donations will be accepted to benefit both organizations. A reception will be held at 6:00, with the concert to begin at 7:00 in the First Baptist Church Sanctuary.

Listen to the entire conversation with Dr. Greg Wolynec




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