Fall is Coming But Ticks Aren’t Falling Out of Sight

As we head into the Fall season, you may think tick season is over, but that’s not necessarily true.

Agriculture and Natural Resources Agent Shane Bogle of the Caldwell County Extension Office says most people think high tick season runs from May to June. However, he said there are still ticks in late summer and a couple of these parasitic arachnids are active now.

click to download audioHe notes Kentucky is heading into the adult season for the black-legged deer tick, which transmits Lyme Disease.

Bogle says ticks prefer overgrown habitats and they congregate where there is activity.

click to download audioDue to the possibility of acquiring a tick-borne illness, he says it’s recommended that people take precautions when going into tick-prone areas.

click to download audioBogle says to also keep an eye on pets, especially if they are outdoors.

click to download audioHe says the extension office does make recommendations for residents who live around woods, fields, and overgrown habitats — one of which is treating your lawn.

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