Cindy Campbell Named Hopkinsville High Principal


Christian County Schools Superintendent Chris Bentzel has selected Cindy Campbell as the principal of Hopkinsville High School. Campbell has been serving as interim principal of the school since April.

Campbell is a graduate of Christian County High School, and she has spent her 25-year career in the school system. She began her education career as a teacher at Holiday Elementary. Following a year at Holiday Elementary, she taught for 13 years at Belmont Elementary before moving to Lacy Elementary as a curriculum specialist. She also served as a curriculum specialist in both the middle school and high school capacities.

She served previously as assistant principal at Hopkinsville High School from 2018 to earlier this year when she replaced Dr. John Gunn, who resigned and later was named the superintendent of the McCreary County School District.

Bentzel made the selection of Campbell as principal under the newly adopted Senate Bill 1. The new law gives superintendents final approval of principal hiring after consultation with site-based decision-making councils. It also gives superintendents final approval over curriculum development.

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