School Board Moves Forward On Sale Of Property

The Christian County Board of Education authorized Superintendent Chris Bentzel to sign a deed and other-related documents necessary to close the transaction to sell nearly 27 acres on Country Club Lane.

During a special called Zoom meeting Thursday afternoon, Assistant Superintendent of Operations Josh Hunt asked the board to authorize Bentzel to sign what they feel is a fair offer for the 26.991 acres.

click to download audioThere was no discussion before or after the unanimous vote by board members and as this was the only item on the agenda the special called meeting was adjourned.

At the May 5th school board meeting, members went into a closed session for about 45-minutes to discuss “the future acquisition or sale of real property”. Upon returning to the open session, the board authorized the sale of the property to Country Club Lane Real Estate, LLC for $810,000.

The nearly 27-acre parcel of land was purchased by the school board in 2012 for $540,000 as a part of long-range planning to update or replace aging schools in the district. At the time, the school board was looking to use the land for a possible expansion or construction of a new Hopkinsville High School. If the land had been sold to a developer, it would have land-locked Hopkinsville High School.

After the board moved forward with a new consolidated high school on Fort Campbell Boulevard, the land was no longer part of the school district’s long-range plan.

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