Beshear Administration Awards Todd County Needed Infrastructure Funds

Tuesday afternoon, Governor Andy Beshear presented more than $2 million in various awards to Logan and Todd counties, for infrastructure and accessibility improvements to those areas.

For Todd County specifically, these awards invest in improvements for pedestrians and cyclists, road resurfacing efforts, rehabilitating a senior center and upgrades to Elkton-Todd County Park.

A $750,000 community development block grant will rehabilitate the Todd County Senior Center, which was constructed in 1997 and is in need of upgrades. The improvements will include new HVAC units, correcting plumbing issues, new flooring and ceiling tiles, installing energy-efficient lighting and repairing the roof, gutters and downspouts. The main entry door will be made accessible. Office space will be established for the Pennyrile Allied Community Services, which staffs and operates the center. And the front porch area will also be enclosed for additional space for center activities.

The senior center makes services available to all elderly residents in Todd County, and these improvements to the facility will ensure that the center will provide essential services to the senior citizens in a cleaner and safer environment. The center will also continue to provide congregate and home-delivered meals, which are vital to the well-being of many senior citizens.

Beshear also announced his selection of the City of Elkton for a $123,000 Land & Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) award. The funding will go toward removing old playground equipment and installing new, safer playground equipment. New metal light poles and LED lights will be installed at a ball field in the park.

A $400,000 award in TAP was also presented to the City of Elkton for a sidewalk replacement and drainage project on West Main Street. The project involves removing old, deteriorated sidewalk, burying utilities, installing new sidewalk, curbs and gutters. The city will also enlarge a storm sewer culvert to alleviate chronic street flooding.

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