Hopkinsville Sees Increases In Several Revenue Streams

No bowtie, in fact, no tie at all, marked the end of the City of Hopkinsville's Fiscal Year. At the Tuesday night City Council meeting, Chief Financial Officer Robert Martin gave his year end financial update sans tie.

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Martin is known for signaling the address with a bowtie if the city sees a surplus for the year. He adds the city has 11.7 million in available cash but some of it is earmarked.

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Martin says they are carrying forward money again this year for several projects including in the municipal road aid fund.

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He says they had a record year with business licenses.

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Martin notes the City collected 18 million in Payroll Tax, which is equivalent to 925.9 million in payroll.

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In other business, Jordan Talley was appointed to the Pennyroyal Area Musueam Board of Directors, Chip Miles was appointed to the Hopkinsville-Christian County Convention and Visitor's Bureau, and Ryan Milauskas was appointed to the Hopkinsville Water Environment Authority.

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