Christian County Clerk Waiting For Attorney General Direction In Voting Problem

The Christian County Clerk’s Office is waiting on the Kentucky Attorney General’s office to determine the best way to deal with a ballot problem Tuesday that resulted in 109 voters casting ballots for the wrong Hopkinsville City Council Ward race.

County Clerk Mike Kem says the issues resulted because of an error with the Tennex software program that is used to log in voters and determine what ballot they receive at the voting centers.

click to download audioKem says he was made aware of the problem on election day but did not realize the scope of the issue until Wednesday.

click to download audioAlthough the use of voting centers provided some challenges for poll workers dealing with more than 90 potential ballots, Kem says the mistake was not made by the poll workers.

click to download audioKem says they are hoping to hear from the Kentucky Attorney General’s Office in the next couple of days to learn what steps need to be taken to remedy the problem. He added no official business was transacted during a special-called meeting of the Christian County Board of Elections Wednesday afternoon. No official notice of the meeting was provided to the media or members of the public prior to the meeting.

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